
- Accounts are available in multiple currencies such as USD, GBP, EUR, CAD, AED, AUD, HKD, and SGD.
- Easy to transfer money
- Attractive Rates for remittances
- Cross currency, funds’ transfer facility is available.
- No minimum balance required for opening an account
- Transfer money from ICICI Bank IBU GIFT City using any of the following routes:
- Transfer money from ICICI Bank IBU GIFT City - Reach out to your Relationship Manager for Money Transfer
- Branch: Simply walk into our branch (IBU Gift City Branch) and place a money transfer request.
- Account Operation- The account can be operated as a single / Joint account
- Minimum balance - There is no minimum balance required to operate your Global Current Account.
- Interest Rate – Interest is not paid on Current Account balances

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Savings Account
Your ICICI Bank - Global Savings Account offers benefits to help you achieve your savings goals in Non INR currency.

Term deposits
Term deposits is a great way to invest surplus funds to earn a fixed return

Account Opening
Contact Us or Reach out to your Relationship Manager who will help you with the account opening

Loan against Deposit
Avail a Loan against Deposit or an Overdraft Facility for your short-term cash requirement without having to prematurely closing your Term Deposit.